Rabbi Yekusiel Kalmenson as he shares an inspiring story in this week’s Parsha Chukat Balak video titled “Embracing Our Identity.” Rabbi Kalmenson recounts the remarkable journey of Reb Mendel Futerfas, who, despite being a chasid, a businessman, and an activist, found himself imprisoned in the Russian gulag for over a decade. Reb Mendel’s crime? Arranging the escape of hundreds of Russian Jews to safety.
In the midst of their dire circumstances, other inmates lamented their lost status and fame, bemoaning their new identities as “nobodies.” But Reb Mendel’s response offers profound wisdom. He explains that his identity, based on serving God and growing in his relationship with Him, remained steadfast. Circumstances may have shifted, but his core essence and desire to become the person he aspired to be had not changed. Reb Mendel understood that he was not a nobody; he was and always would be a somebody.
Rabbi Kalmenson then delves into this week’s Parsha, exploring the intriguing story of Bilaam’s attempt to curse the Jewish people and the blessings that followed. What was Bilaam thinking? Rabbi Kalmenson examines the linguistic distinction between Balak’s and Bilaam’s descriptions of the Jewish people’s departure from Egypt, uncovering a subtle yet significant difference.
Bilaam’s use of lion imagery further deepens the understanding of the Jewish nation’s unwavering identity. Like a crouching lion, they cannot be ruled or subdued, no matter the challenges they face. Balak feared their potential to conquer, but Bilaam clarified that the Jewish people’s quest for freedom and their unwavering relationship with God, expressed through Torah and Mitzvahs, set them apart.
This powerful message resonates not only through history but also in our lives today. The Jewish people’s essential identity has allowed them not only to survive but to thrive throughout the ages. Just like a lion remains a lion even when crouching, even when facing adversity like being in a gulag, a Jew can continue to serve God. Bilaam’s prophecies remind us that no matter the circumstances, who we are and what we can accomplish is the ultimate blessing we possess.
Join Rabbi Kalmenson on this spiritual journey of self-discovery and find inspiration in the unbreakable spirit of the Jewish people. May this message enhance your understanding of Shabbos and fill your weekend with joy and wonder.